Digital Milestones

A Tour Of My Marketing Projects.

Your Journey To Digital Success Starts Here.

Emerging Expertise

Igniting The Digital World With Fresh Perspectives

Welcome to my digital marketing portfolio. This collection of projects showcases the skills and knowledge I acquired while pursuing an advanced digital marketing course from Digital Nest, Hyderabad.

My portfolio covers a wide range of digital marketing strategies and platforms, including:

  • Google Ads: I have designed and implemented effective pay-per-click campaigns, optimizing for maximum visibility and conversion.
  • SEO: My projects demonstrate my ability to improve website visibility and ranking through keyword research, on-page, off-page, technical optimization and backlink strategies.
  • Social Media Advertising: I have run successful ad campaigns on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, targeting specific demographics and achieving high engagement rates.
  • Email Marketing: My work in this area includes crafting compelling newsletters and email campaigns, with a focus on open rates and conversions
  • Influencer Marketing: I have conducted a demo assignment to gain hands-on experience in influencer marketing. This involved collaborating with influencers to enhance brand visibility and reach, with a strategic focus on partnering with influencers whose audience closely matches the brand’s target demographic. This practical exercise provided valuable insights into the performance and potential of influencer marketing.
  • Analytics: All my projects are backed by data-driven insights. I have used analytics to measure the success of campaigns, understand user behaviour, and make informed marketing decisions.

Each project in this portfolio is a testament to my commitment to staying at the forefront of digital marketing trends and strategies. I invite you to explore and see the results of my work.

Navigate The Digital Marketing Landscape: A Google Ads Experience

Google Ads is a tool that helps us understand our audience, find new opportunities, and make better marketing decisions.

  1. Know The Audience: Google Ads helps us understand what our audience is interested in.
  2. Find New Trends: It helps us discover new trends and reach more people.
  3. Make Better Plans: It gives us recommendations to improve our marketing strategy.
  4. Improve Performance: It has tools to help us get the most out of our budget.
  5. Stay Updated: It provides daily updates based on our account performance.
  6. Use Data: It shows valuable information about our website visitors and app users.

#Search Ad-Draft Campaign-Aparna Constructions Gated Community

#Display Ad-Draft Campaign-Aparna Construction Gated Community

#Video Ad-Draft Campaign-Aparna Constructions Gated Community

The key to a successful Google Ads campaign is continuous learning and optimization based on data.

  1. Project Overview: The project involved creating a draft campaign for Aparna One, a gated community in Shaikpet, Hyderabad. The campaign included Search, Display, and Video Ads.
  2. Research and Planning: The campaign targeted Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities including Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Chandigarh, and Indore. The ads were targeted to both males and females aged between 25 and 75 years.
  3. Implementation: The Search and Display Ads were created with relevant keywords and visuals. The Video Ad included a short video about the gated community. A carousel was used to showcase the work.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: The performance of the ads was monitored regularly. Based on the performance data, the ads were optimized which could involve tweaking the ad copy, adjusting the targeting, or allocating more budget to high-performing ads.
  5. Research and Analysis: Google Ads Insights Finder was used to gain deeper insights into the audience and uncover new ways to reach them. These insights were used to make data-driven decisions and improve the marketing strategy.
  6. Conclusion: The draft campaign for Aparna One was successful and the results were as expected. The campaign effectively used different types of Google Ads to reach the target audience and achieved good results.
  7. The short video used in video ad 

#Live Performance Max Ad-Web Traffic-Full Stack Developer Course

performance max
  1. Project Overview: The project involved creating a live Performance Max Ad campaign for a Full Stack Developer Course. The goal was to drive web traffic to the course page.
  2. Research and Planning: The campaign was planned with a focus on reaching potential students interested in becoming Full Stack Developers. The Performance Ad type was chosen for its ability to reach customers across of all Google’s advertising channels as opted.
  3. Implementation: The Performance Max Ad was created with relevant keywords related to Full Stack Development and online learning. The ad was designed to be engaging and informative, providing potential students with a clear understanding of what the course offers.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: The performance of the ad was monitored regularly. Based on the performance data, the ad was optimized to ensure it was reaching the right audience and driving the desired web traffic.
  5. Research and Analysis: Google Ads Insights Finder was used to gain deeper insights into the audience and uncover new ways to reach them. These insights were used to make data-driven decisions and improve the marketing strategy.
  6. Conclusion: The draft campaign for the Full Stack Developer Course was successful and the results were as expected. The Performance Max Ad effectively drove web traffic to the course page, demonstrating the power of Google Ads in reaching the target audience and achieving campaign goals.

#Live Display Ad-Awareness-Full Stack Developer Course


Expanded Landing Page Report


Landing Page Report


Location Report

  1. Project Overview: The project involved creating a live Display Ad campaign for a Full Stack Developer Course. The goal was to raise awareness about the course.
  2. Research and Planning: The campaign was planned with a focus on reaching potential students interested in becoming Full Stack Developers. The Display Ad type was chosen for its ability to reach customers across various websites, apps and social media.
  3. Implementation: The Display Ad was created with relevant keywords related to Full Stack Development and online learning. The ad was designed to be engaging and informative, providing potential students with a clear understanding of what the course offers.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: The performance of the ad was monitored regularly. Based on the performance data, the ad was optimized to ensure it was reaching the right audience and raising the desired awareness.
  5. Research and Analysis: Google Ads Insights Finder was used to gain deeper insights into the audience and uncover new ways to reach them. These insights were used to make data-driven decisions and improve the marketing strategy.
  6. Conclusion: The draft campaign for the Full Stack Developer Course was successful and the results were as expected. The Display Ad effectively raised awareness about the course, demonstrating the power of Google Ads in reaching the target audience and achieving campaign goals.

Showcasing Success: SEO Projects that Boosted Digital Visibility

SEO stands for Social Media Optimization. It is all about making the website easy to find, so more people can learn about what one offer.

  1. What’s SEO?: SEO is like a guide that helps people find the website when they search on Google, Bing or any other search engines.
  2. Why SEO?: It’s like a magnet that pulls people to the website.
  3. How SEO Works?: SEO is like a popularity contest. The more relevant and useful the website is, the higher it ranks in search results.
  4. Types of SEO: There are three types of SEO – on-page (what’s on the site), off-page (how others see the site), and technical (how well the site works).
  5. SEO vs SEM and PPC: SEO is all about getting free traffic. SEM includes both free (SEO) organic and paid traffic (PPC) inorganic.

#SEO Success: Boosting Visibility For The Graphic Designing Course At Digital Nest

graphic design course

In this assignment, I used SEO to help more people find the Graphic Designing Course at Digital Nest.

  1. Project Overview: I worked on improving the visibility of the Graphic Designing Course at Digital Nest on search engines.
  2. Research and Planning: I planned how to reach students interested in Graphic Designing.
  3. Implementation: I added relevant keywords to the webpage.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: I kept an eye on how well the webpage was doing and made changes to improve it.
  5. Research and Analysis: I used the data that I collected to make better decisions.
  6. Conclusion: The project went well and I was able to make the course page more visible on search engines.

#Spicing Up SEO: Paneer Tikka Masala Recipe: Cooking With Anadi

paneer tikka masala

In this assignment, I used SEO to help more people find the Paneer Tikka Masala recipe on Cooking with Anadi. For a detailed look at the work I did on this project, check out the assignment data in my Google Spreadsheet.

  1. Project Overview: I worked on improving the visibility of the Paneer Tikka Masala recipe on Cooking with Anadi on search engines.
  2. Research and Planning: I planned how to reach food enthusiasts and home cooks interested in Indian cuisine.
  3. Implementation: I added relevant keywords to the recipe page, like “Paneer Tikka Masala”, “Indian cuisine”, and “Cooking with Anadi”.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: I kept an eye on how well the recipe page was doing and made changes to improve it.
  5. Research and Analysis: I used the data that I collected to make better decisions.
  6. Conclusion: The project went well and you were able to make the recipe page more visible on search engines.

Amplifying Engagement: A Journey Through Social Media Marketing

SMM stands for Social Media Marketing. Social Media Marketing is all about connecting with your audience or customers and helping the business grow.

  1. What is it?: Social Media Marketing is using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote the business or product.
  2. Why do it?: It helps us connect with the audience, build the brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.
  3. How does it work?: When we create and share content on social media networks to achieve the marketing and branding goals. This can include posting text and image updates, videos, and other content that drives audience engagement.
  4. What’s the goal?: The main goals of Social Media Marketing are to help businesses reach more people, build a community around their business, increase exposure, and grow their business.

#Aparna Constructions’ Facebook Ad: Land of Opportunities

I used Facebook Ads to successfully promote the sale of plots at Aparna Constructions. For more details, please refer to the linked project presentation.

  1. Project Overview: I worked on a Facebook Ad campaign to promote the sale of plots at Aparna Constructions.
  2. Research and Planning: I planned the campaign to reach potential buyers interested in purchasing plots.
  3. Implementation: I created a Facebook Ad with relevant details about the plots for sale and successfully ran the ad.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: I kept an eye on the ad’s performance and made necessary changes to improve its reach and effectiveness.
  5. Research and Analysis: I used the data collected from the ad’s performance to make informed decisions and improve the campaign.
  6. Conclusion: The draft campaign for the plots on sale at Aparna Constructions was successful and the results were as expected. The Facebook Ad effectively reached the target audience and achieved the campaign goals.

#Culinary Journey: Instagram Ad Carousel of Delicacies at Galaxy & Salad N Snack Delite

I used Instagram Ads to successfully promote the restaurant. For more details, please refer to the linked project presentation.

  1. Project Overview: I worked on an Instagram Ad Carousel campaign for a restaurant. The goal was to showcase the restaurant’s offerings and attract potential customers.
  2. Research and Planning: I planned the campaign to reach food enthusiasts and potential diners interested in exploring new dining options.
  3. Implementation: I created an Instagram Ad Carousel with appealing imaginary images of the restaurant’s dishes and successfully ran the ad.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: I kept an eye on the ad’s performance and made necessary changes to improve its reach and effectiveness.
  5. Research and Analysis: I used the data collected from the ad’s performance to make informed decisions and improve the campaign.
  6. Conclusion: The real campaign for the restaurant was successful and the results were as expected. The Instagram Ad Carousel effectively reached the target audience and achieved the campaign goals.

Email Power: Drafting and Delivering Effective Marketing Emails

Email Marketing is all about connecting with the audience or customers and helping the business grow.

  1. What is it?: Email Marketing is about sending emails to people to promote the business or product.
  2. Why do it?: It helps us connect with the audience, build the brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.
  3. How does it work?: We create and share content on email to achieve the marketing and branding goals. This can include posting text and image updates, videos, and other content that drives audience engagement.
  4. What’s the goal?: The main goals of Email Marketing are to help businesses reach more people, build a community around their business, increase exposure, and grow their business.

#Experience the Power of Personalization: A Live Demo of Our Email Marketing Project

demo 1
demo 2

The project was a good demonstration of the effectiveness of our email marketing strategies. It provided valuable insights that will be useful for future campaigns.

  1. Project Overview: The project involved drafting two demo emails for potential customers. The main objective was to showcase the capabilities of our email marketing project.
  2. Research and Planning: Extensive research was conducted to understand the target audience and plan the content of the emails accordingly.
  3. Implementation: The planned emails were drafted and sent out to the demo customers. The emails were designed to engage the customers and encourage them to interact with our project.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: The response to the emails was closely monitored. Analytics were studied to understand customer behaviour and the emails were optimized for better engagement.
  5. Research and Analysis: Post-implementation, further research and analysis were conducted. This involved studying the analytics in detail and understanding the impact of our emails on the customers.
  6. Conclusion: The project was a draft campaign and the results were as expected. The emails successfully engaged the customers and provided valuable insights for retargeting the customers.

Transforming Ideas into Reality: Showcasing Website Designing Project

  1. Creative Process: Website designing is a creative process that involves planning, conceptualizing, and arranging content for the internet.
  2. Beyond Aesthetics: It goes beyond just aesthetics, encompassing the website’s functionality and user experience aspects.
  3. Design Elements: The process includes web graphic design, interface design, coding, and search engine optimization.
  4. Goal: The goal is to create web pages that engage users, are easy to navigate, and fulfill their intended purpose effectively.
  5. Applications: Whether it’s for business promotion, information dissemination, or online services, a well-designed website serves as a crucial digital touchpoint for users.

The project was a good demonstration of my digital marketing and SEO skills. It provided valuable insights that will be useful for future projects. For more details please refer to my Digital Marketing Portfolio linked.

  1. Project Overview: The project involved creating a portfolio for digital marketing. This is my first website project. Prior to this, I worked on SEO for two URL pages – a graphic designing course page of Digital Nest and a “Paneer Tikka Masala” recipe page on the “Cooking with Anadi” website.
  2. Research and Planning: I conducted extensive research and planning to understand the best practices for SEO and how to effectively link the website and social platforms.
  3. Implementation: I implemented the SEO strategies for the two URL pages and created your digital marketing portfolio. I also learned to link the website and social platforms using Google Tag Manager.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: I monitored the performance of the SEO strategies and the website through Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Based on the analytics, I optimized the SEO strategies and the website for better performance.
  5. Research and Analysis: Post-implementation, you conducted further research and analysis to understand the impact of my strategies on the website’s performance and visibility.
  6. Conclusion: The project was a draft campaign and the results were as expected. The SEO strategies improved the visibility of the URL pages and my digital marketing portfolio showcased my skills and capabilities effectively.

Crafting Compelling Narratives: Our Content Creation Journey

Content Creation is not a one-time process. It’s a cycle that keeps on repeating. Each step is crucial and plays a significant role in the success of the content.

  1. Idea Generation: This is the first step where we brainstorm and come up with unique ideas for the content.
  2. Research: Conduct thorough research to gather all the necessary information related to your content.
  3. Content Creation: Write or create the actual content based on the ideas and information gathered.
  4. Review and Edit: Review the content for any errors or improvements. Edit the content to make it more effective and engaging.
  5. Publish: Once the content is finalized, it’s time to publish it on the chosen platform.
  6. Promotion: Promote the content through various channels to reach a larger audience.
  7. Analysis: Analyse the performance of the content. Use this analysis for future content creation.

The assignments are good demonstration of my SEO and content creation skills. It provided valuable insights that will be useful for future projects.

  1. Project Overview: The assignments involved performing SEO for two URL pages – a graphic designing course from Digital Nest and a “Paneer Tikka Masala” recipe on the “Cooking with Anadi” website. Additionally, I created content for my portfolio URL pages.
  2. Research and Planning: I conducted extensive research and planning to understand the best practices for SEO and content creation. This helped in planning the content for the portfolio pages and optimizing the two URL pages for search engines.
  3. Implementation: I implemented the SEO strategies for the two URL pages and created content for my portfolio pages.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: I monitored the performance of the SEO strategies and the content on my portfolio pages. Based on the analytics, I optimized the SEO strategies and the content for better performance and engagement.
  5. Research and Analysis: Post-implementation, I conducted further research and analysis to understand the impact of your strategies on the visibility and performance of the URL pages and my portfolio.
  6. Conclusion: The project was a draft campaign and the results were as expected. The SEO strategies improved the visibility of the URL pages and the content on my portfolio pages effectively showcased my skills and capabilities.

Harnessing the Power of Data: Our Analytics Project Showcase

Analytics is not a one-time process. It’s a continuous cycle of data collection, analysis, application of insights, and optimization.

  1. Google Analytics: This tool allows us to track and report website traffic. It provides insights into how users find and use your website, helping us to optimize the site for better user experience and goal conversion.
  2. Google Search Console: This is a service offered by Google that helps us monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot the site’s presence in Google Search results. It helps us understand and improve how Google sees the site.
  3. Google Tag Manager: This is a tag management system that allows us to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on the website or mobile app. It helps in tracking conversion, site analytics, and more.
  4. Data Collection: Using these tools, collect data about your website’s performance, user behaviour, and other key metrics.
  5. Data Analysis: Analyse the collected data to gain insights about our website’s performance and user engagement.
  6. Insight Application: Apply the insights gained from the analysis to improve our website, optimize user experience, and achieve the business goals.
  7. Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously monitor the performance of the website and optimize based on the insights gained from the data.

#Data-Driven Success: Unveiling the Analytics of My Portfolio


The project demonstrates my ability to create and manage a digital marketing portfolio, and use analytics to optimize its performance. It provides valuable insights that will be useful for future projects.

  1. Project Overview: I created a digital marketing portfolio with several URL pages including Home, About Me, Contact Me, Project Pages, and Blog. The project is a showcase of my skills and work in digital marketing.
  2. Research and Planning: I planned the structure and content of my portfolio, including the decision to constantly post related content on my educational blog.
  3. Implementation: I have almost completed the work for the Home, About Me, Contact Me, and Project pages. I’m currently working on my educational blog.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: I’m showcasing the analytics for my portfolio through a picture collage of analytics reports. This allows me to monitor the performance of my portfolio and optimize it based on the insights gained from the analytics.
  5. Research and Analysis: I am conducting ongoing research and analysis to understand the impact of my strategies on the performance and visibility of my portfolio.
  6. Conclusion: The project was a draft campaign and the results were as expected. The portfolio effectively showcases my skills and capabilities in digital marketing.

Visual Storytelling: A Tour of Our Graphic Design Project

Canva is a versatile tool that allows us to create professional-looking designs with ease, even if we don’t have any graphic design experience.

  1. Versatile Tool: Canva is a versatile digital marketing tool that allows us to create a variety of content forms.
  2. Content Forms: These include graphics, carousels, collages, reels, videos, images, logos, book covers, infographics, business cards, and more.
  3. Social Media Integration: Canva allows us to share our creations directly on various social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, YouTube, Pinterest, and others.
  4. Audience Engagement: The content created through Canva can be used to engage audiences and increase awareness about a brand or a cause.
  5. Analytics: Canva also provides analytics that help us understand the performance of our content and optimize it for better engagement.
  6. Ease of Use: Despite its advanced features, Canva is user-friendly and does not require any prior design experience to use effectively.
  7. Constant Updates: Canva is constantly updated with new features and design elements, keeping it relevant in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape.

Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

  1. Project Overview: I created various graphic presentations for my portfolio using Canva, a versatile digital marketing tool. These presentations include graphics, carousels, collages, reels, videos, images, logos, book covers, infographics, business cards, and more.
  2. Research and Planning: I identified the different forms of content that can be created through Canva and planned how to use them effectively across various social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, YouTube, Pinterest, and others.
  3. Implementation: I implemented the plan by creating various forms of content on Canva and sharing a few of the graphic presentations. The rest of my work can be viewed throughout your portfolio.
  4. Monitoring and Optimization: I monitored the reach and awareness generated by the content on different social platforms. Based on the response, I optimized the content for better engagement.
  5. Research and Analysis: I conducted ongoing research and analysis to understand the impact of my graphic presentations on audience engagement and awareness.
  6. Conclusion: The project was a draft campaign and the results were as expected. My graphic presentations effectively showcased the skills and capabilities in digital marketing and graphic design.